Termes radio-amateur (voir Wikipedia) et liens
Il ne s'agit pas ici de recenser tous les termes radio-amateur mais seulement ceux en rapport avec le logiciel de radio virtuelle HamSphere.

Matériel (sur Logiciel HamSphere)
  • AGC: Automatic Gain Control
  • CH+ CH-: Touches pour monter ou descendre d'un canal
  • CW: mode télégraphie (Morse)
  • DSB: Double Side Band (Double Bande Latérale)
  • DX: communication longue distance
  • PTT: Push to Talk: passer en mode émission (à l'origine, le bouton des Talkie-walkie qui permet d'émettre: "Pousser pour Parler")
  • SSB: BLU Bande Latérale Unique
  • Transceiver: Emetteur-Récepteur
  • VFO : Variable Frequency Oscillator (réglage des stations)
  • VOX: Déclenchement de l'émission par la voix seule (pas les bruits ambiants) se règle avec "settings"
Short User Manual HamSphere 3.0 
By Kelly Lindman (5B4AIT) 3 Sep 2011. 
Welcome to HamSphere 3.0 (Report bugs to support@hamsphere.com) 
Latest news at this link: HamSphere News 


HamSphere 3.0 currently consists of a network of 3 servers. USA, UK and Sweden. 
The signal propagation between the servers are based on a spacial Shortwave DX 
simulation. Therefore you will notice that stations will have different 
signal levels between the servers. 

HamSphere 3.0 has a new messaging system. To save CPU power and network activity 
the message system is at very low priority so your chat and private messages can 
be a little delayed. 

Standard chat messages are not relayed between the servers as it would clotter 
the chat list. Private messages are however relayed between the servers. 
If you want to send a global message to all users on all servers you can use 
the /cluster msg command. 

The cluster shows all activity on all servers. 

CH- : Step 1 kHz down in VFO mode and memory down in MEM mode 
CH+ : Step 1 kHz up in VFO mode and memory up in MEM mode 
VFO/MR : Set VFO or Memory 
FILTER : Set filter 1 (3.8kHz) or 2 (2.8kHz) 

VOX : 
Set VOX operation which means that the PTT can be triggered by your voice. 
You can set the VOX levels with the SETTINGS button. 
Adjust the VOX gain so that it triggers the PTT with your voice only. 
Set the VOX delay so that it keeps the PTT hold enough for the pace of speech. 

DSB/CW : Toggle between DSB mode (voice) and CW Mode (Morse code) 
SIM OFF : Turn simulation mode off. Works on 6 and 10 meters only. 
AGC : Set Automatic Gain Control to slow or fast. (Receiver) 

Powerful microphone compressor/processor. Layman definition: 
Makes your audio stronger and more consistant. But should not be used in 
the long run as it can make your voice hard to listen to. 
So please use in moderation. 

For experts: 
By reducing the dynamics of the voice signal you can push more 
ERP (Emitted Radiated Power) out of your HamSphere Transceiver. 
This is an elegant way of overcoming QRMs or bad signal propagation. 

The compressor has 3 settings: Attack, Release and Threshold. 
Attack is when the compressor is decreasing gain to reach the ratio level. 
Release is when the compressor is increasing gain to reach the ratio level. 
The higher the number of attack or release, the faster it will adjust the level. 
The ratio is set by the "Threshold". By increasing the threshold, 
the over all audio level will increase. 

The mic input has also a significant impact on the compressor performance. 
You will have to experiment with it to get the best values for your voice. 
Some rule of thumb settings: 
Attach 1, Release 1, Threshold 1300 = Easy compression (High dynamics) 
Attach 4, Release 4, Threshold 2100 = Harder compression (Medium dynamic) 
Attach 8, Release 8, Threshold 2700 = Extreme compression (Very low dynamics) 

Codec OFF mode will switch the Transceiver to 30 meters and turn off all audio 
codecs. This will allow digital SSTV or other data modes to be transmitted. 
When the transceiver is in Codec off mode it will require approximately 
140 kbits bit speed. Please note that all audio filters are disengaged 
in this mode. 

PTT : 
PTT Push To Talk is used to key the transmitter. It has two modes: 
Locked and unlocked. It comes by default as unlocked meaning that 
the transmitter will go off once you release the PTT. 
By clicking on the left led in the PTT button you can lock it. 
While the PTT button is in locked mode, the PTT will toggle the 
transmitter and you can release the PTT for more comfortable 

You will need to hold this button for a least 3 seconds in order 
to logout from the system. 

The HamSphere radio cluster shows a representation of all current 
activity on the HamSphere bands. It will show all active stations 
on all servers. Can can click on each callsign to get an instant database 
lookup in the chat field. 

This help screeen. 

All the information you will need in order to subscribe to HamSphere. 
There is even direct links to the PayPal payments system. 


Audio settings: 
Vox Gain:1-8, VOX Delay 0-3sec. 
Mic Comp attack: 1-8, release 1-8, threshhold: 300-3000 
Mixer command. The specific mixer command for your operating system. 
i.e: sndvol32 for Windows XP and sndvol for Windows7 and Vista. 

Programmable F-Keys (F1-F12) 
Programmable CW-Keys (F1-F8) 

Use #c in texts to replace with clipboard content and #r for Enter. 

HamSphere has multiple servers. They are listed here. 
Each server has a ping number in ms (milliseconds) and ID number. 
The closer your are to the server, the lower the ping.